Dogs Food Philosophy - BARF vs Non-BARF
BARF Diet has immensely good effect on dogs… that is what many researchers
consider. The BARF-ers, as many GSD owners consider themselves, have been
feeding their shepherds a good combination of raw meat, raw meaty bones, eggs, and
vegetables (not all veggies are recommended), along with the other important
ingredients, including yogurt, some recommended cooked grains and cereals (in
limited quantity) and fruits. Researchers have proved that the home-made BARF
diet keeps a dog – especially the larger ones like German Shepherds, Danes, Labradors, Mastiffs etc. healthier than those that are
fed the commercial dog food.
Dr. Ian Billinghurst, a veterinary surgeon from Australia has been working on the
study of the related area and an feeding program was formulated to make close
observations. According the him the dogs, in his clinic, that were kept on BARF
food were noticed to have regained health faster than those that weren’t. Dr.
Billinghurst said, "Raw meaty bone-eating dogs lived much longer than
their commercially fed counterparts. Bone-eating dogs have the wonderful
benefits of clean teeth with no periodontal disease, wonderfully improved
digestion, a reduction in obesity, fabulous eating exercise, healthy stools, no
anal sac problems, and the wonderful psychological, emotional, and immune
system benefits that eating raw meaty bones has conferred on dogs for millions
of years."
So what the dog owners, like us, are left with?
Confusion! Yes… another group of highly qualified researchers have warranted
a caution against using BARF diets. Julie Churchill, who is a specialist in companion
animal nutrition at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary
Medicine, raised a voice against the BARF-ers’ philosophy.
Dr. Churchill said, "I am very much against the raw food diets. Many dogs
can do well on a raw food diet. However, (the diets) have the potential to be
life-threatening. Any food that can potentially kill even one animal is not
worth the risk."
Advocates of BARF feeders has their unique philosophy that the commercial
dog foods are lack the necessary enzymes and nutritional ingredients. This
seems to be the most effective holistic approach towards healthy feeding and
care for your dogs. While one group explains the benefits of the BARF dog food,
considering it as a natural, healthy and nutritious raw food
diet of old fashion, the other group is constantly campaigning against the BARF
Fact is fact! There’s nothing wrong in BARF diet for your
dog, as long the meat and bones are super fresh. Raw meats that are kept
for some time will develop life threatening bacteria. Sometimes meats that are
preserved or frozen also contain salmonella that may prove to be potentially
dangerous for your dog.
Why not cooking it? Meat, egg, veggies (not all greens are good),
cereals and other ingredients, like turmeric etc. can be boiled for 15-20
minutes and you can ensure a huge safety!

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