Rare Dog Breed Information: Campeiro Bulldog - Brazilian Bulldog Breed
One of the most rare dog breeds in the world, the Buldogue Campeiro i.e. Campeiro Bulldog is commonly called Brazilian Bulldog or Brasilian Bulldog and even sometimes called Rural Bulldog has been reported to have come into the scene round the 16th Century. Brazilian Bulldog was once common in Brazil and was made to use especially by the shepherds to capture the wild or lost cattle. Very less is known about Campeiro Bulldog or Brazilian Bulldog breed, but documentations about the breed's history and its origin have stated that this is an extremely rustic working breed of dog. Brazilian Bulldog (Brasilian Bulldog or Campeiro Bulldog) descends from the English Bulldogs and introduced by the European immigrants in 16th crentury to the Santa Catarina and Rio Grande del Sur in Brazil. One amongst the very ancient dog breeds, the Brazilian Bulldogs was bred to create a perfect rural working dog breed for the Brazilian rustic society. Though the name was actually derived from the name English Bulldog, but as an influence of the portugese language, some words like "Buldogue Pampeano", "Bordoga", "Buldogue Campeiro", "Burdogue" etc. have been found to have come up. The Brazilian Bulldog that we see today hails from the Egnlish Bulldogs that used to help the slaughterhouses owners for holding and killiing furious bulls whenever required.
At the first sight, the Brazilian Bulldog gives an impression of incredible power with typically strong constitution. This is a breed with terrific stamina and strength, but at the same time he is agile enough too. One of the most perfect canine breed for the Brazilian rustic society, this Rural Bulldog has been reported not to suffer from too many diseases, except for certain commonly know health disorders that any breed around the world may be afflicted to.
The short, smooth coat, are set tightly flat and not fluffy and shows medium texture. The distinct muscle tone, strong and muscular neck, deep and broad chest with well round rib cage, wide head, strong and wide snout and powerful jaw, give an impression of great strength and courage and add weight to his boastful gestures. The forequarter is slightly sloping and the front legs are turned little outwards. Muzzle is broad, but a bit short (around1/3 of the length of skull), his almond eyes, small to medium ears that are set high, rose and wide, semi-pendulous lips with well-rounded cheeks add a bit of essence to his fierce facial appearance. The moderately heavy boned not-so-long legs and are sturdy enough work hard in the rustic belts of Brazil. Found in a wide variety of colors, ranging from solid white to brindle and even the combination of white and tan, almost all colors are allowed by the dog kennel of choice. One noticable point is that there has been no report of solid black Brazilian Bulldog. Brasilian Bulldogs are born with croocked tail, which is a bit shorter - that doesn't reach beyond hock.
Height at wither: 18.9 and 22.8 inches
Weight: 35 and 45 kg (77.2 and 99.2 lb)
Ideal as a guard dog in the modern society, the Campeiro Bulldog displays a real marvellous look..
Behavior and Temperament:
Despite his aggressive look and immense strength this rural bod breed - the Brazilian Bulldog (Brasilian Bulldog) is docile enough to his owners and pack members. May be a bit too aggressive towards the stranger and intruders the Rural Bulldog is calm and display a cool behavior, if not challenged. He is perfect as a company dog, especially for hostile field environment, but as apartment dogs, Brazilian Bulldogs have proved to be a good companion too! His submissive nature is a real boon for his owner, who won't have too much of temperament problems if he knows who the boss is and his pack members. His is loyal to his owner and displays calm demeanor with accentuated spirit of an warrior. Brazilian Bulldogs are a bit too obstinate to cross any hurdle, while at the same time controlled enough to show high degree of obedience at the commands of his master.
Brazilian Bulldog has been recognized by Brazilian Canine Organization (CBKC). Not yet recognized by FCI.
Pictures of dogs taken from net

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