Advertise on Welcome Dog Lovers Blog
Advertise with us for effective boost.
Advertising with us is as effective as it is easy. If you are into pet
business and looking for an advertisement space to promote your brand,
product and/or services this Ultimate German Shepherd Dog blog can prove
to be the right resource for your to be at. Your advertisement will
instantly get rolled out across the site's header. We have over a
hundred pages and still counting with huge volume of traffic from across
the globe - especially from USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, India
and so on... To keep things transparent we provide you with the screen
shot of our last years analytic report of visits from countries, sorted
in descending order... Click Here to Open in New Tab
We have two different sections for banner advertisement:
i) Above the Fold - Top of the site ad
ii) Below the Fold - Below the page ad (Above the footer)
Size of the ad banner:
Width = 952 pixel (33.58 cm)
; Height = 150 Pixel (5.29 cm)
Ad Creative:
You can give us the creative as per the dimension mentioned above.
Maintaining the size (Width and Height) is very important. As an
alternative idea you can use our graphics designers to create your
business ad creative. We will design two ad creatives to choose from. We
will use the one that you will select.
We have a Half-yearly and Annual advertisement schemes. The price will
vary depending on the advertisement schemes you will select, and the
space. The "Top of the site ad" attracts maximum impression,
because the users/site readers can view the ad without scrolling down.
Above the fold (ATF) ad inventory always enjoys a higher demand than "Below the page ad" (below the fold ads).
Therefore the price is comparatively higher for "Top of the site ad"
(Above the fold ad) than "Below the page ad" (below the fold ads).
** For a pocket-friendly quotation please contact us at
Benefits of advertising with us:
We have a team of Digital Marketers in place that works for some of our
other businesses. Our Digital Marketers also promote this blog on
different online avenues,
including Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and through other relevant
blogs. The promotional activities through different online channels happen on two levels:
(i) We promote the blog (
(ii) We promote each post of the blog
Plus, each single post is properly optimized for the major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alta Vista, Yandex, and so on...
All promotional activities merge together to give the site a consistent
boost. By advertising with us, you get the value of our promotional
process. We will help you reach out to your target groups and decision makers who will intend to your to buy your product or services.
How to ask for an Ad space
Email us at with your details. We will revert back ASAP.