Unrecognized Labradoodle Dog Breed Spotlighted: Obama Dog Issue
Well, I think Malia hasn't stopped disturbing her dad about getting a puppy! I am glad she is such a great dog lovers... she will not let her dad take the charge of the great country without being presented a puppy! Great Melia and Sasha... Keep it up! Good news is that the president too has not stopped sparing thoughts over the issue! Barack Obama has narrowed down his choice of incoming First Dog to either of the two: Portuguese Water Dog or Labradoodle. Despite the Peru Government showed eagerness to giftPresident Obama a beautiful hypoallergenic dog breed, he didn't responded positively to that. Probably because it was completely a hairless dog that he might not have liked, but EARS, the Peruvian Hairless Dog was an amazing specimen!
Obama's hunt for the First Dog have been breeding confusion since the first day! Even Obama seems to have been gripped in dilema regarding the President Dog. But with the president-elect Barack Obama narrowing his selection of a dog for Malia and Sasha, things are going to be solved soon... I think. Better late than never! On January 12, 2009 Obama told George Stephanopoulos, the ABC’s host that his daughters Malia and Sasha will make the selection very soon. He said publicly, “We’re now going to start looking at shelters to see when one of those dogs might come up”.
Now the question is what these Portuguese Water Dog or Labradoodle actually are?
Well for sure, I can say that these breeds are not as common as Joe Biden’s new puppy, which is a pure bred German Shepherd Dog and George Bush's "Barney", which is a pure-bred Scottish-Terrier.
Labradoodle is easily understandable to be a mixed breed, crossed between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. Candidly speaking, I have never chanced to see a Labradoodle in my life, but have recently came across an article about the Obama Dog, which mentions a name of a proud owner of a labradoodle. Mr. Philip Crammond, who owns a labradoodle defines his dog in 5 simple words: “state of the art canine”!Although not yet been recognized by any major Kennel Club, yet certain handful of sources have talked about the Labradoodle. History spans back to 1989, when Wally Conron, a breeder from Australia deliberately bred Labradoodle, by crossing a Labrador Retriever and Standard Poodle to be used as Guide Dogs for Guide Dog Victoria. Conron focused on producing a unique canine companion to be used as Guide Dog for people with allergies to dandruff and shadding coat. He selected Poodle for they shedding less and a Labrador for they are gentle and easily trainable. Till today the Guide Dog Victoria have been breeding Labradoodles and the progenies are trained to be used as Guide dogs, Assistant dogs, and Therapy Dogs in many countries. They haven't earned popularity as family pets like the pure-bred dogs, even though they can make amazing family pets.
I think, one major reason for not yet been recognized by any major kennel club as a specific breed might be due to the fact that Labradoodle don't show a consistently predictable nature. Although most of the Labradoodles show the desired traits, in their behavior and appearence, yet from an overall breed perspective, this breed is quite unpredictable, which makes it impossible to draw a fixed breed standard for it. Hence, we can't call it a pure breed, but a mutt. For instance, Labradoodles' coat can vary widely, ranging between soft and smooth to typically wiry. It can be straight, wavy, or even curly. Although most of the Labradoodles do not shed or shed less, but some do shed moderately. Although most of the Labradoodles do not have doggy odor, but some do have. Colors may vary to a great extent starting from white, creamy white and faint gold to rich gold, apricot, red, brown and even black. Alike their roots of origin (Labrador Retriever and Poodle), Labradoodles generally show docile nature, comprised of friendliness, energetic and good with kids.
Barack Obama might have to go for swim each fine morning with his dog instead of just a walk, whether he chooses a Labradoodle or a Portuguese Water Dog!
Labradoodles often display moderate affinity towards water, which is a trait that is genetically transformed from both Labradors and Poodles. Portuguese Water Dog is definite to show highly strong affinity towards water.
Stay tuned... More to come about Portuguese Water Dog.

This breed makes wonderful pets, and their curly hairs are good for people allergic to dogs.
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