About us
"Welcome Dog Lovers" talks about Dogs, Dog training, Dog food, Puppy Care and anything and everything related to dogs. We love talking about dogs, staying with them, studying them and spending time with them. We love the smell they have in their body. We love the fur and the coat they shed, scattering around. We love cleaning their eyes, ears and nose. We love kissing them and get million dollar licks from them. We love hugging them whenever we wish, talking to them and love to see them understanding us just like our human palls. We love to find a puppy rushing towards us, and it feels like a sunshine.All things about them we love, but not their pain when they are in irresponsible hands.
"Welcome Dog Lovers" aims at spreading out awareness for Responsible Dog Ownership. Here are all that we could learned by staying with them in close bondage. We are also a core part of the World's Largest Online Resource for Information on German Shepherd Dog breed. If you are a German Shepherd lover, you can consult this power packed encyclopedia on GSD breed.