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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Dog Psychology – Does Rex Sleeps by Touching His Back to You?

Yes! He does!  Here’s why… 

Rex tend to sleep touching your back with his back because he trusts you.

That’s an indication that your dog has complete faith and trust on you.  As commonly found with most dogs, the way they sleep is by lying sideways with their legs stretched out. This indicates that the dog is relaxed and out of stress. Along with this, if he keep his back in touch with you, then it indicates that the dog is not only relaxed and comfortable but telling you how deeply he trusts you. This happens when you have already built a strong bond with you dog. If you have not seen this behavior in your dog, it means you have not been able to build up and foster a strong bond with him to the desirable extent.

For a dog parent, it is really satisfying when their dogs show trust on them and they can trust their dogs. It is really crucial that there should be a mutual trust the dog and his owner to maintain a healthy environment while sharing life with dog(s).

There are a few sure shot ways to get trust of your dogs. Here’s how…

Don’t lose your cool when Rex shows excitement

Rex should naturally have a tendency to greet your with loads of excitement while you are back after the long day. He will jump, whine and even bark and show undesirably excited behavior. Most people show back excitement. That’s not suggested. Showing back excitement will make them more excited and eventually you may lose your cool. Don’t lose cool. Losing your cool and/or yelling at them will break his trust on your, instead of strengthening it. Staying calm will make him calm down too, and there won’t be any reason for you to get angry on him by any chance.

Speak Soft; Touch Soft

Practice “Soft Touch” and “Soft Talk”. Don’t make strong eye contact. Let him be comfortable and relaxed. Let him build up his confidence on you. Confidence will eventually bring trust.

Sit Down at His Level

When you speak with them or interact with them anyway, bring yourself down at his level; sit in front or beside him with calm behavior. Remember that you have got into Rex’s very personal space. Hence, it is important to make him feel confident. An eye-contact and hard touch may kill his confidence and chances are there that he will start losing trust on you.

Be Approachable

If Rex is seeing you for the first time or after a very long time, let him approach you first. Do not approach him until he has already built his complete trust on you. Let him get into your personal perimeter and sniff you. Stay calm and stable, and let him know that you are a doggie friend! If you are not familiar to him, avoid touching him from the above. If he shakes himself out while touching, stay calm, composite and do not react. Behave as if you haven’t paid any attention to his action.

Go for a walk and play fetch

Winning your dog’s trust becomes easy if you give him some happy and content time. Go for a walk and play fetch. Some mental exercises may be suggested – especially if he is a working breed. Hiding his favorite toy and letting him find it and bring it back to you is a very effective mental exercise. Be a leader of the pack. Make him feel that his life with you is a pack happiness. And you will automatically get his trust.

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