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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Puppy Caring and Raising Tips For You

Frank Howard Clark, the famous screenwriter said it perfect... "A habit is something you can do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them." Dogs - irrespective of breed, type and size, are of no exception. Rather, they can exhibit more disciplined life by being in a set of particular habit and routine, provided the habits are not bad. Developing a habit falls much under the training activities, and the best way to start developing desirable habits is initiating a regular grooming session when he is just a few weeks old. If you are considering bringing home a puppy, CONGRATULATIONS!! With just a little planning bringing home your little fur-ball will open the door to years of love, fun and happiness.

After, bringing home your puppy, taking care of it becomes a full-time responsibility. So, you need to take care of it from the first day. Here are some very important puppy care tips you should consider. These puppy care tips for feeding, medication, vaccinations, socialization and building up good habits, are almost all the same for all pups - irrespective of breed, group and size.

Caring and raising a German Shepherd puppy are not something that demand a very different approach. Like any other breeds, GSD puppies should be fed well. Improper feeding may bring immense problem in German Shepherd puppies. Prior to weaning your German shepherd puppy, make sure he has obtain the utmost nutritional needs from his mother's milk. By the time you are picking the puppy make sure he has been totally weaned to solid foods, and that too of good quality.

Provide your GSD puppy a perfectly suitable environment is of utmost importance. The essential components that can make effective raising includes comfort, safety and amusement. Your puppy needs a comfortable bed to sleep, but more than that he should be provided with a space which he can consider his own. Keep him in a room with rough surface floor. Rough flooring is essential for your German Shepherd puppy. If you have slippery floor, make out a solution immediately before his legs or paws get deformed. Many GSD puppies are big time stone eater. They even consume mud and trash if they get a chance. Continuous perseverance and supervision may be a solution.

By nature they are very inquisitive and may get into things that are lying around him. This is quite common for puppies of all breed. Keeping harmful object out of his reach is important. Consider including lots of safe toys & things that can amused your puppy as they need attention.

Food plays the most important role during the first few months, because it is the time for the development of bones and muscles. Quality is preferred over quantity. Overfeeding can lead to anatomic problems like deformed pastern, and may even lead to serious issues related to hips and elbow. The best advice is to provide several feeds in small quantity, instead of two or three feeds in large amount.

If you experience loose or semi-muddy stools, poor coat quality, skin rashes, inadequate growth of bones and muscles, etc., with your puppy or if you have noticed other problem related to growth then chances are high that he is not getting the right kind and proportion of nutrients that he requires from it's current food or feeding style. Taking care of your puppy's health today is like a health insurance for him for tomorrow.

His first vaccination, first stepping outside, first visit to the park, first meeting with the other animals, first interaction with your friends, first experience of the thunder claps and so on are all very important part of puppy care and socialization. Socializing your pup is as important as quality food. Socializing your pup to different situations, sounds, strangers and other animals is the most important part of raising your pup. A reasonable amount of socializing will give your pup a healthy and stress-free life. Socialization should be aimed at helping your pup to understand new and varied situations, places and people, and help your pup to have a very favourable experiences with such things. Proper and strategic socialization will help your pup grow with confidence.

Maintaining hygiene is your responsibility. Always check his eyes, ears, feet and in between toes regularly is as important as providing him with best quality food, fresh water and pure love.

Often times I receive emails from my friends and readers that are related to giving their pups additional nutritional supplements. The last Sunday I got a call from one of my old buddy, who has adopted a GSD pup recently. He was wondering if he should give his pup any additional dose of minerals or vitamin supplements. If the pups is getting adequate amount of high quality diet there should not be any need for additional health supplement or vitamins. Growth should be fine if the pup is getting balanced diet.

Additional doses of minerals, vitamins and protein can have adverse impact on your pup's health. Excess amount of calcium and phosphate can do more harm than good... they can expose the pup to the risk of developmental bone diseases.

Excess of protein, vitamins and minerals hardly have any impact on the final adult size. The adult size is only dependant on the genes your pup is carrying.

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