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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Prey Model vs. BARF Diets : Raw Dog Food Diet


 Model and one that's based on the principles of a BARF diet? Which one is better?

The BARF diet is a great options of a health and nutritious diet for your German Shepherds and any other dog breed. The BARF provides dog with all vitamins and minerals that your German Shepherd Dog requires at every stage of his of her life and even during emergency phases like pregnancy and illness. If fed in the correct proportion with proper combination of vegetables it will be highly beneficial to your dog's health and his or her immune system. In the context of feeding BARF diet fed to your German Shepherd or any other dog, we need to discuss the comparison between Prey Model and BARF Diets. So what is a Prey Model diet? A Prey Model diet is a diet that closely resembles a diet that canines and felines in the wild or nature have evolved to be fed on. The Prey Model diet is the type of whole prey critters which all dogs and cats in the nature eat. The physiological aspect of the thing is that your pug or GSD or Yorkie... have digestive system much similar to wild wolves. Your dog's teeth, stomachs and digestive tracts are naturally fit for consume whole prey.

Now the the question is....

What is the difference between a raw dog food diet that is based on the Prey Model and one that is based on the principles of a BARF diet? Which one is better?

The Prey Model advocates food that wild counterparts (wolves and foxes) of dogs feed on. The scientific rationale behind the Prey Model is that the digestive system of domestic dogs is the same as that of wolves. It means that wolves and domestic dogs are naturally wired to have the same nutritional requirements.

Wolves hunt and eat prey. They also eat carcasses in the wild. In the Prey Model, that diet is approximated by feeding dogs with whole wild game, rabbits, rodents, and any raw meaty bones.

Don't forget to freeze wild game for at least twenty hours before feeding to kill all the parasites that can make you sick (dogs are not affected by wild game parasites). As for rodents (rats, squirrels, and mice), freeze them for a month before you give them to your dogs; rodents are high in human pathogens. The human pathogens are the pathogens (microbe or microorganism such as a virus, bacterium, prion or fungus) that breeds diseases in humans.

The most important detail about the Prey Model is its emphasis on feeding whole prey. Whole meaty bones (with meat still intact) are given to dogs. Whole carcasses of rabbits and wild game are fed to dogs. In short, no processing (except for the freezing that's compulsory for wild game and rodents) is performed.

BARF diets are way healthier than kibble-based foods. The BARF diet takes into account the carnivorous nature of dogs, but it also assumes that dogs are omnivores. Dogs can eat plant matter, but it does not necessarily mean that plant-based foods are good for them. BARF diets give 50% food content consisting of bones. That is an abnormally large quantity. If a dog eats a carcass in the wild, the bone content of that prey animal is roughly 25%. There’s no prey animal that contains 50% bone. The BARF diet also advocates the feeding of veggies. Dogs have short guts and cannot break down plant matter. When dogs digest processed plant matter (like kibble), their pancreas do much of the work. Thus, raw-fed dogs live longer than kibble-fed ones.

Related Reads - Dog Food and Nutrition

Author Bio: I am Maggie Rhines (London, United Kingdom) – canine nutritionist, and specialist in raw dog food. I would recommend BARF Raw Dog Food Diet for your dogs. It is immensely important that you should know certain most important things while skipping from regular food to BARF diets. Learn how to save money and how to switch to a much healthier raw dog food diet for your pets. To know more about how to properly transition from traditional pet food products to raw dog foods and to get cheap and easy-to-make raw dog food recipes, visit Raw Dog Food System.

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