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Monday, December 10, 2018

Feet and Front Types in Dogs

The types of dog fronts and dog feet vary largely from breed to breed. While certain types of dog fronts and dog feet types are desirable for certain dog breeds, they are fault for others. Fronts of dogs and dog feet influence their gait greatly, and in turn affect the working ability of the dog. The types of fronts and feet in dogs are critically judged in the show ring in order to filter out the quality from the sub standard ones. It is hugely important to notice the dog fronts and feet of dogs while you pick a puppy. It is very important to see the parents, the types of fronts and feet they have while picking a puppy. It is hence tremendously necessary to understand the different types of dog fronts along side the different dog feet types.

Different types of dog fronts 

Bowed front: The bowed fronts are those front types in dogs in which the legs tend to curve out from the elbows and then tend to tuck in towards the region of wrists. This type of fronts of dogs gives the dog bowed look while viewed from the front. Although this dog front type is a serious fault in most dog breeds, but this is considered desirable in a few breeds like Pekingese and Tibetan Spaniel dogs.

Crooked fronts: Crooked front, although may sound weird as a dog front type, is an essential construction of forequarters in certain short legged dog breeds like Dachshunds & Basset Hounds. Dog breeds like Dachshunds and Basset Hounds, who have very short legs have to accommodate the front part of the chest in the gap between their front legs. The Crooked legs give a distinctive look with the front legs inclined inwards, and slightly curved sometimes, when viewed from the front.

Gun-barrel front: The gun barrel front is the front type in dogs that have straight front when viewed from the front. In this dog front type both the forelegs and the pasterns are straight and positioned almost perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. This dog front type is found in breeds like Irish Wolf Hounds, Norwegian Buhund, Manchester Terriers etc.

Horse Shoe Front: This dog front type are often seen in certain breeds as standard, while faults in the others. The terminology “horse shoe fronts” are used to describe a front type where the forelegs are straight and are positioned wider apart at the chest than at the feet. Bedlington Terrier has this type of front.

Straight front: From the name itself it is clear that this dog front type is a front which is straight. Often considered as the alternative name for the gun barrel dog front type, the straight front type are found in dogs with straight forlegs, which are parallel and almost straight through out the wrist and pastern and are positioned vertically on the ground.

Wide front: Wide front type in dogs give a smart and balanced look when viewed from the front. By this term it is usually meant that the front is wider than it normally should be, but in certain dog breeds such as Bull Dogs, Istrian Short Haired Hound (Istrian Setter), American Staffordshire Terrier have this type of front.

Narrow front: The term “narrow front” is usually used to describe the front types in dogs that have fronts narrower than what the standards demand. This dog front type is normal and desirable in breeds with longer legs such as Whippet, Grey Hounds, African Azawakh. It is hereby to be noticed that dogs with this type front are usually fast runners.

Different types of dog feet

Cat feet: The term cat feet are used to define feet that are tightly compact and round in shape with the toes well arched and bunched together tightly or closely cupped. The two center toes in cat feet are just slightly elongated as compared the rests. The cat feet have well cushioned pads covered with thick layer of skins. Bulldog is an example of a dog breed that has cat feet that leave impressions round, rather than oval.

Hare feet: The hind feet of Borzoi is the best example of this feet type. Amongst all types of dog feet, Hare feet leave a comparatively longer impression, rather than round and oval ones. This type of dog feet has the center toes longer compared to the outer and inner toes. In hare feet type the toe arching is less marked, which makes the feet looks longer than any other types of dog feet.

Oval feet: Also called Spoon feet or Spoon-shaped feet, these types of dog feet are mostly found on Pointers. You may find it to be really confusing while distinguishing between an oval feet type and cat feet type. There’s a hair line difference between the two types of dog feet and that can be understood by minutely examining the center toes, which are comparatively elongated than that of the cat feet. This dog feet type is usually considered as normal canine foot, unless otherwise specified by the standard of any particular breed

Webbed feet: Breeds that are bred to retrieve things from the water have webbed feet. In this type of dog feet there are strong webbings between the toes. Some of the arctic dog breeds like the sledge dogs, who have to work in the snow have webbed feet. These types of dog feet help the dog swim faster. Newfoundland is the best example of a breed this dog feet type (webbed feet).

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