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Monday, August 7, 2017

Potential Problem With Crating a Puppy

Crate training is important – doubtlessly. However there are a series of problems associated with crating a dog and the most potential of them are whining – an undesirable behavior triggered by frustration and separation anxiety. Crate training is quite difficult process as it may breed behavior problems if correctly introduced and the training process properly employed.

Canines root from wolves who were den dwellers. By instinct, dogs would like a crate as long as he doesn’t consider it as a tool for punishment.

What Makes a Crate Aversive to a Puppy?
  1. Forcibly crating a puppy when he/she is not liking it makes the crate repulsive for the pup

  2. Too small crate make a dog/ puppy feel in captivity. Such unhealthy crates pose health risk due to lack of proper ventilation.

  3. Your dog will considered his crate as dreary and gloomy if it’s lack in comfort factors. Stuff like toys, blankets etc. are important in s crate. Remember it is his private resting place, where he needs comfort and peace of mind. Crate should not be frustrating for him.

  4. Crating a pup for too long span of time is punishment. Remember pups can control their bladder but they don’t know that they are suppose to do it. Occasional release is essential and part of the crate training process.

However, whining is quite normal in the beginning, and it should be ignored for several minutes. Yelling at him will only make things difficult. If whining persists even after several minutes being ignored, you should release him but the act of release MUST be supported with a purpose – for instance, he should be released to eliminate. Prior to releasing him and on releasing him give the command that your dog is associated with going out to eliminate. Make sure that release from the crate should NOT be associated with fun time or play. Repeat the cycle again after a few moment.

Separation anxiety may worsen up if you attempt to use the crate as a solution of the problem. It is quite natural that a puppy that us not already crate trained will resist the crate in the beginning. It is important to slowly introduce the crate to your pup and make him/ her feel that a crate is not a tool that separates him from his/ her pack (you and your family). This is a time consuming process.

Aurhor: William James, representing WoodDogCrate[dot]com

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