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Saturday, May 27, 2017

An Insight Into Pet Immunization

Vaccination is the safest route to ensure that your pets remain in the pink of health. Vaccines are safeguard against diseases. From grave organ damages to turning fatal the risk is immense. Even others in the pet community are prone to risking contagious diseases. A responsible pet owner always prioritize on scheduling vets appointment for routine immunization, because it bolsters future immunity for a lifetime.

Diseases Which Require A Shot of Vaccine

Diseases if not checked and prevented can turn fatal for pets. For health safety immunization is the ideal way out. In the age of advanced medical science, killer diseases like distemper, parvovirus and feline enteritis are things of the past (with the exception of unprotected dogs who keep alive the incidence of infectious diseases).

Dogs need to be immunized for:
Para-influenza virus

Cats require immunization for the following diseases:

Feline Enteritis
Feline Leukaemia Virus

Is Vaccination A Safe Option?

Skin tumors, allergies, and other adverse effects have been linked to the process, hence there is doubt about safety of vaccination. Moreover, whether annual vaccination is a must is also a major concern. Usually older dogs who have a suppressed immune system and who mingle less with peers do not require annual shot. But, in some cases repeat or booster vaccinations are important to boost up the immunity in a better way. Routine boosters are integral to preventive veterinary medicine because the pets can undergo an annual checkup. It is all up to the age and health condition, on which the immunization schedule is decided. It is also dependent on breed, medical history, lifestyle, immediate environment and traveling habit of the animals. Small puppies get their quota of immunity from mothers milk. But with age, this immunity wears down and vaccination becomes a necessity. Vaccine schedule begins when the puppy is six to eight weeks old.

There are some side effects which bother pets, post-vaccination. All these symptoms occur within six hours of vaccination. Here\s a list of the adverse reactions that might occur, and which need medical attention:

Low fever
Allergic Outbreak
Muscle Pain
Low Energy
Appetite Loss
Facial Swelling
Breathing Difficulty
Swelling, redness and hair loss (at the site of injection)
Miscarriage in Pregnant Dog
Suppressed Immune System

The Way A Vaccine Works

Vaccines are classified as core and non-core vaccines. The former one is vital, while the latter depends on the exposure risk of diseases. Vaccine shots create antibodies by injecting weakened or dead bacteria into the immune system of the pet. These antibodies become warriors fighting and blocking the diseases. Modified live vaccines or MLV stimulate immune response by injecting weakened strain of disease. MLVs require less number of shots, though the effect is stronger compared to killed vaccines which require frequent administration.

The Need Of Titer Test

Antibody titer test is required for measuring the level of antibodies in the bloodstream and a pets ability for natural protection against diseases. These blood tests are helpful, but cannot replace vaccination program completely. Higher titer level does not necessarily mean that the pet has 100% natural immunity; but, when the level is low it is surely a sign that the pet lacks in inherent protection capacity.

In a nutshell, vaccines are altered microorganisms which lessens or prevents risk of diseases. Thus, it is always safe to protect your beloved pet from life-threatening diseases with vaccines.

Related Read: Read out posts from Responsible Dog Ownership and Dog Care Tips

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