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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Choosing The Right Dog Shampoo

Dog Shampoo Tips

 It's all about maintaining the skin pH of your dog!

Aggressive marketing campaigns of brands tend to confuse the buyers. Often times phrases like "Premium Dog Shampoo", "Ultra Premium Dog Shampoo" influence their purchase decision. The fact be disclosed here: There's no medical standard set for a dog shampoo to be categorized as "Premium" or "Ultra Premium"! However, as a matter of fact any shampoo - especially those that are designed to be used for humans may prove to be harmful in the long run. The skin pH of a dogs is higher than that of humans, which means a dog's skin is more alkaline (basic). A human shampoo will dry out your dog's skin and create flakes. In worst situation the dog may develop irritated skin rashes.

So only a pure dog shampoo is recommended for your dog!

Here are what you need to look for while choosing a dog shampoo...

While looking for a safe shampoo for your dog, you should keep in mind that your dog's skin has a high pH and needs special care. Look for a shampoo that contains soothes the skin, while enriching the coat and skin with soft and silky texture and is pH balanced for your dogs skin. A hydrocortisone shampoo would be a great choice - especially if your dog has a itchy and dry skin. Hydrocortisone - a medication that reduces dryness of skin, swelling, itching and redness. A good dog shampoo should contain all of combination of the following:

Natural vitamins A, C and E.


Organic oil (Aloe vera extract, Neem extract, Citrus seed extracts etc.)

For particularly itchy pets, ask your veterinarian if a shampoo with choice.

Avoid picking a shampoo that has the following: 

Artificial Colors
Artificial Fragrances
Cocomide DEA or MEA
Cocamidopropyl Betaine
Methylparaben and Parabens

 To conclude, picking the right type of shampoo for your dog is really difficult, owing to the fact that the buying intent gets greatly influenced by the marketing campaigns, as already said earlier! Hence have a very close look at the ingredients and type of shampoo that you have been offered. Not all shampoos marked as "dog shampoo" or "premium dog shampoo" may be right for your dog!

1 comment:

  1. I live in a heavily wooded area of Connecticut and my dogs, Sparky - a 6 year old Lhasa Apso, and Fluffy - a 4 year old Lhasa Apso, are constantly suffering from fleas. Fluffy was also biting and licking an area that the vet called a hot spot. A friend told me to try a head lice shampoo called X-PEL Anti-Lice Shampoo. It is a non-toxic homeopathic shampoo and conditioner and I have to say that the results were amazing. Fleas rinsed out and didn't return for a long time. Even more amazing was that Fluffy stopped biting and licking the hot spot and it seemed to reduce in size. I applied the product to the spot a few more times and it disappeared. I sent an email to the manufacturer and said they should sell it as a flea shampoo. Have you ever heard of this product?
