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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why is Dog Worming A Mandate?

Here's why pet worming is mandatory - be it a dog or cat. Worming dogs is essentially necessary to protect him against serious health issues. Puppies are usually born with intestinal parasite, hampering the overall growth process. Worming your dogs and puppies is strongly suggested in order to retain good health for your pet and other family members. By far roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms are the commonest intestinal worms found in puppies. Whipworms and coccidia are also found in dogs, if not too frequently!

The majority of serious parasitic infestations in puppies have been noticed to occur during the first 60 days of age, when they are feed on mother’s milk. In most cases the vets suspect infestation of worms if your dog or puppy is vomiting accompanied with one or more of other symptoms including cough, diarrhea, losing weight, scrawniness (thin), lack of appetite, dull coat, lack of energy, and sometimes even bloody stool. Some puppies grow bonny, but potbellied, accompanied with shortness of breath. Anemia is another most common consequence of sever infestation of worms. Alongside it poses serious zoonotic threat to you and your canine pack - herpesvirus is commonest of all!

Although some of the common canine intestinal parasites like roundworms and tapeworms do not do not usually injure the intestinal wall of your dog, and do not pose any fatal threat until the infestation is too heavy, but hookworms are very dangerous, as they erode the internal membrane of the dog's intestine.

Hence these parasites are a serious health problem for your dog or puppy as well as your other family members. Following a scientific hygiene precautions is hence necessary - especially when you have children.

How to de-worm a dog?
This is as simple as giving your dog preparations in liquid/suspension or tablets. There are different schools of thoughts regarding how to de-worm a dog. While some would suggest administering the wormer in empty stomach, most of the modern vets suggest administering the wormer medicine with or after meal.

Worming your puppy should be started at about three to four weeks of age. The subsequent shots are to be administered about every 2 weeks again at 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age. I have seen owners worming dogs once each month after reaching two months of age until at least 6 months of age. Good!! No one objects on that. But the frequency of worming dogs depends very much on the health of the puppy. Puppies with weak liver may be highly prone to develop severe hepatic malfunctioning. The history of worming of the newly acquired puppy should essentially be obtained in order to determine if there is a need for additional worming shot is actually required.

Worming history of newly acquired puppies should be obtained to determine whether additional worming is needed.

I usually go for fecal flotation exam to ensure the presence of parasite. Fecal flotation exam are done to detect the presence of roundworm, which are of two species -- Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. Here's how dogs get infested with internal parasite. The best options to get rid of Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina are:
  • Febantel (Eg. Drontal and Drontal plus)
  • Fenbendazole (Eg. Panacur)
  • Milbemycin Oxime (Eg. Interceptor and Sentinel)
  • Pyrantel pamoate (Eg. Strongid, Nemex, Heartgard Plus and others)
  • Moxidectin (Eg. AdvantageMulti)
However, the type of wormer and dose depends on many factors, including the age, and size of dogs. Also depending on the intensity of infestation your vet may suggest different types and dosage of de-wormers to different dogs/puppies.

I have include some of the scary stuff above so that you can understand what's wrong with your dog... Is it a parasite that is responsible for a health breakdown or is it something else. Overdosing your dog or puppy with dewormer may turn out to be fatal and your poor pooch may end up with serious side effects, including liver failure.

Canine wormers are available in various forms, like granules, tablets, pastes, syrups and even injections. Ask you vet before you buy any de-wormer for your dog or puppy.

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