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Sunday, June 8, 2014

DIY Dog Training: What You Need To Understand As a Trainer?

DIY Dog Training

Dog training has always been something of a great interest for every dog lovers. Many blogs talk about DIY dog training. However, I have mostly put emphasis on calling a professional dog trainer who has pursued with a professional course on dog training. Even if you are think about DIY dog training it is immensely important keep in constant touch with a person who is educated in this area and understands dog training ins and outs.

Often times I have noticed trainers (I am talking about the ones who have promoted themselves as professional dog trainers, but yet to know the basics) making simple mistakes while training dogs. This happens because they have not spared adequate thought on what works well and how to make things work well for which dog.

Common mistake: Lack of understanding of “what Rex does what you don’t want” vs “what Rex doesn’t do what you want”.

There is a subtle distinction between “what Rex does what you don’t want” and “what Rex doesn’t do what you want” although these seem to have a very close resemblance. What Rex does what you don’t want is for instance, jumping to greet you when you are back home, should need correction with sharp, strict and firm corrective words (rather a sound that Rex associates with wrong things that he should not repeat) – “NO” accompanied with refusing giving him treats/reward. What Rex doesn’t do what you want is for instance, not coming on command, may need positive reinforcement, which can be effectively done by rewarding him and praising him better when he comes on calling.

Solution is to eventually and gradually filtering out the undesirable behavior (what Rex does what you don’t want, for example jumping to greet you when you are back home and pulling on the leash on walk) by positively reinforcing for desirable behavior (what Rex doesn’t do what you want for instance, NOT jumping to greet you when you are back home and NOT pulling on the leash on walk).

Another thing: Are You His Leader Yet?

Reducing undesirable behavior—“Don’t” and inducing desirable behavior “Do” requires extensive study of how your dog looks at you. When you train your dog yourself it is important to understand what he thinks about you and why should he follow you. Are you his leader yet? Primarily it is important to establish the alpha membership within your pack. Bossing and punishing doesn’t really work with puppies. Those actions will ultimately worsen up the things. The trick lies in Positive Reinforcement Training methods – reward based training methods that most moderns canine behaviorists have successfully employed. Success depends all on how efficiently you can See the world through your dog’s eye. Remember, for you to be the best leader for your dog, it requires positive understanding and the ability to make your dog feel that you are a pack member – just a little above him in the hierarchy. Praises and rewards on good job and ignoring (refusing to give him attention) when he doesn’t do well is the basics of teaching your dog what you want him to learn.

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned how a dog sees you, whether he sees you as a leader of his pack, so I need to ask, do you agree with Cesar Milan's method of correcting undesirable behavior? Also, when and how do you determine when negative reinforcement is needed is comparison to positive reinforcement?
