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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How a Dog Bark Collar Works : A Brief Overview

It is as normal for a dog to bark as it is for us to talk! But if barking is too much and going out of the tolerating limit, it is not only problematic to you and your neighbors, but also health-wise dangerous for Rover too.

The best way for a person to stop Rover from barking madly is by teaching him to bark and stop on command. However this cannot be done in a fortnight. Harmless dog bark collar can also be of great help to you to correct undesirable barking. Taking the help of technology in this is nothing wrong.

So how does a dog bark collar work? 

All you need to do is to keep the collar around his neck always to at the time when he barks most – for example when he is in the garden. When your dog barks, the sound vibration gets detected by the sensor device attached to the collar. The collar correct the barking by responding with a corrective ultrasonic sound that the dog can hear. The weird sound make Rover stops barking instantly. The sound makes barking an unpleasant activity for the Rover himself.

Reward him and praise him lavishly as soon as he stops barking to let him know that you are pleased for stop the barking. http://www.dogbarkcollar.com offers more information about dog bark collar.

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