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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Street Dogs Help League - LAPC

I want to share something with you.

My friend, Esteban Vargas Romero is a music teacher in an academy in Peru. He always had a deep love for animals; now together with his students they share the same passion.

Since few months ago, they take affection for a special homeless dog they called “Chicle” which unfortunately has cancer and it´s threatening his life and some others dog, they started to feed them to avoid they starve or eat garbage from streets.

Out there are many dogs in the same situation of Chicle because the people keep dropping out their pets to the streets when they get sick, pregnant or grow up to much and unlike other places there is no animal’s organization in Peru where they can take them.

Their work with these dogs makes them realize that the problem is much deeper than they thought.


Esteban: "The veterinarian told us that if we wait too long to operate Chicle´s, his cancer will get worse, it will spread all over his body, and needs urgent surgery.

If the campaign succeeds we will take Chicle to surgery (it has a big cost here :S), take care of the postmedical expenses and rehabilitation. The great news are that one of my closest students is willing to adopting Chicle after the surgery, accompanying him on his recovery, giving him all the love Chicle needs.
Chicle’s buddies need to be taken off the streets, be fed and many of them need medical treatment, we will give all of them the required help."

It is a dramatic situation that Chicle, his buddies and all abandoned dogs are going through because there is no one to take care of them. This had a huge impact on their lives, so they decided to take action by themrselves, creating a permanent solution so this never happens again.

To make this possible they will create the “Street´s Dogs Help League (Liga de Ayuda a Perros Callejeros-LAPC)”, hoping it will be a relief for all those who love and care about animals. Watch out the LAPC video clip:

LAPC will carry out the following activities to help the abandoned dogs in this city and nearby cities: 
  • Find the abandoned dogs 
  •  Take them off the streets no matter the condition they are. 
  • Give them medical treatment
  • Give them food and hygiene
  • Find loving and caring families willing to adopt them.
  • They also want to hire a full-time veterinarian to be part of the team and hope to have their own place where the dogs can live until we found them new families!
They are giving their best effort to make this cause possible and you can be part it, making the world a fairer place for the animals by spread the word or contributing by http://www.indiegogo.com/stredogheleague

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