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Friday, March 19, 2010

Kooikerhondjes - Kooiker Dog Breed Information

Kooiker Dog, KooikerhondjesThe Kooikerhondje, also called Kooiker Hound, is a small breed of dog of spaniel type. With Dutch Ancestary, Kooikerhondje, or Kooiker Hound was actually used as a working dog – especially in tolling and game hunting. Being developed in the Netherlands around the sixteenth century, Kooiker hounds became one of the world’s most popular dog breeds during the 17th and 18th century. The evidence of it massive popularity could be found in many paintings of Jan Vermeer, Jan Steen and Rembrandt. The popularity of this breed started diminishing globally around the beginning of 19th century with the rise in popularity of other working dog breeds. Kooiker Hounds almost became extinct after World War II. Baroness van Hardenbroek ranging Ammerstol rescued and prevented the breed from total extinction. Currently Kooiker Hound is a relatively uncommon breed, although fortunately it is gaining its popularity in the United States and Canada.

Origin of Kooikerhondje:

With its roots of origin at Netherlands, Kooikerhondje was developed to work as tolling dogs. These breed were used to work with their masters to lure and drive ducks into koois (canal like cages). The breed has been named after the work they used to perform, i.e. driving ducks into the koois. Many canine researchers and historians believe that Kooiker dogs may have possibly played a most vital role in the developmental process of another not-so-common dog breed called “Nova Scotia Duck-tolling Retriever”.
Kooiker Dog, Kooikerhondjes
Although not much is know about Kooikerhondje, still it is believed that the breed descends from English Red Decoy Dog, which is now extinct. These dogs are much different from the other hounds used for hunting that would go after bear and wolves or other wild animals. Known for using its white bushy tail to distract the ducks to run into the koois theses dogs were used to drive ducks into a fenced area, and NOT to hunt and kill them. Even today they are still used for the purpose, for which they were developed centuries ago.

Nature and Behavior of Kooikerhondje:

Kooikerhondjes are very active dogs, without being overly excited, which is a disqualification as per the breed standard. By nature the Kooiker dogs are highly friendly to everyone; more with the older children, but wary with strangers. Being intelligent, Kooikerhondjes are easily trainable. They are always attentive and alert their masters to any anything unusual situations. This unique nature of the breed makes them a real good watch dog. Devoted and affectionate with their family, they are very good companions to all family members. They are very cheerful and good tempered, yet still noisy at times ad often are very territorial. Although very good watch dog they are not as good for Guard purpose. Other qualities are:

Intelligence: Moderately high
Learning Rate: High
Trainability: Easy
Obedience: Medium.
Problem Solving Ability: Low
Activeness: High
Desired Living Environment: Rural or suburban region is preferred
Social Behavior: They get on well with dogs and cats provided they are properly socialized at the early stage.
Other Names: Kooiker Hound, Small Dutch Waterfowl Dog, Dutch Decoy Dog, Kooiker Dog

Kooiker Dog, KooikerhondjesGeneral Appearance of Kooiker dogs:

Kooikerhondje is a small spaniel like dog breed with brightly colored in white and red. The slightly waved medium-length coat is predominantly white with red or orange patches. The moderately domed and broad skull is of length almost equal to the muzzle, which is not too deep. The almond shaped eyes are dark brown, nose is black and the cheeks are pigmented red, which are desirable. The ears are medium sized, long and feathered with back tips and hang close to the cheeks. The black tips of the ears are called “earrings”. The head is held uplifted with even tempered and friendly expression in the eyes, with no sign of attack and aggression. The Kooiker dogs have square body with strong back, without having any overly angulated points. The deep chest has sufficient spring of ribs. Well feathered tail has a beautiful white plume and carried level with the back. The well feathered coat with close set straight hair and a well developed undercoat makes it water proof.

Health Issues with Kooikerhondje:
This breed is mostly prone to certain health issues, the worth mentioning of which are hereditary nectrotizing myelopathy (a degenerative disease similar to Multiple sclerosis), von Willebrand's disease, epilepsy, patellar luxation, cataracts.

Kooikerhondje Breed Recognitions and Registries:

The Kooikerhondje had been officially recognized by the Dutch Kennel Club in 1971
2006 AKC Ranking: Not Ranked


• DKC - Dutch Kennel Club
• ACR -American Canine Registry
• APRI -American Pet Registry Inc.
• ARBA -American Rare Breed Association
• FCI -Fédération Cynologique Internationale
• KCGB -Kennel Club of Great Britain
• KCUSA -Kennel Club USA NKC -National Kennel Club
• UKC -United Kennel Club

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1 comment:

  1. If you are considering a Kooikerhondje as a pet, consider the following points: ... Interesting Facts. Kooikerhondje are also known as: Kooiker Hound ...
