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Monday, March 16, 2009

Tips on Raising a New Puppy

Tips on Raising a New Puppy raising a puppy raising a dog raising your puppy responsible dog owner raise a puppy dog’s life puppy’s diet puppy’s life how to raise a puppy dog lovers Raise your puppy socializing your puppyRaising a new puppy has always been an issue of worries for many around me. Interestingly I know many dog lovers, who haven’t adopted a dog yet, because they think that raising a puppy isn’t a simple task. If you are among those few people, who have such a wrong notion, then you are quite unfortunate to miss something really precious. Yes, a pet’s love is priceless… don’t miss it! All you need is to choose the right thing and make the right decision while raising a puppy; and things will become pretty simple. A responsible dog owner tries to make things simple, instead of thinking things in a complicated way. Here's how to raise a puppy in simple ways.

While raising a dog, the first thing that’s to be decided is what your dog’s life is going to be like. Remember, dogs are happy when they are kept as dog; and responsible owners demands to make your dog’s life happy. Three things are needed for a dog to thrive well and obviously essential to raise a puppy…1) Good Food, 2) Fresh Water and 3) Pure Love.

Good food doesn’t only mean right quantity, but quality too. Dogs should be provided with large qualities of protein and high carbohydrate diet. Your dog can convert the protein and carbohydrate into energy. A puppy’s diet can be as complex as yours, although apparently it seems to be quite simple. It is absolutely essential that you should hit all of the vital nutritional bases while planning your puppy’s diet. A deficiency or over administration of certain vitamins and nutrients may lead to certain problems like tummy upset, brittle bones, overly oily or dry skin, over weight or under weight, and unsatisfactory growth. Tips on Raising a New Puppy raising a puppy raising a dog raising your puppy responsible dog owner raise a puppy dog’s life puppy’s diet puppy’s life how to raise a puppy dog lovers Raise your puppy socializing your puppyPlan your puppy’s diet to include all the major sources of the most essential minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Iron, Copper, Zinc, chloride, Iodine, Manganese and Selenium.

Raise your puppy in love. And if you really love him, you will surely try to make his life happy and healthy. Socialization is one very important part of raising a puppy. Proper socialization will make both your and the puppy’s life happy. Confidence building can only be done through properly socializing your puppy.

Puppies may find teasing to be either unpleasant or enjoyable. Right way to raise a puppy is to train him up to enjoy good-natured teasing. Make him feel that it’s just a game to be enjoyed. Malicious teasing hereby refers to cruelty to animals; so avoid it straight way.
Puppies love to chase. Chase and be chased; make him feel that the game is non-threatening, secured and enjoyable so as to let him know that he’s loved. Try to communicate with him; know him better and let him know what you think. Read out HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH DOGS.

Don't feel guilty since you are confining him occasionally. We put infants in cribs, because we think about their safety and security. Remember, you are intelligently using his “den instinct” by confining him at times, and he feels good to be enclosed. This is another way of building confidence too. Keeping him alone and confined and staying away from him periodically will teach him that loneliness is non-threatening.
Tips on Raising a New Puppy raising a puppy raising a dog raising your puppy responsible dog owner raise a puppy dog’s life puppy’s diet puppy’s life how to raise a puppy dog lovers Raise your puppy socializing your puppy
Toy addiction is common in puppies. Apart from high quality food, lot of sleep, routine exercise or play, you need to be quite serious about his toys. He tends to chew up whatever comes in his way. Take care that his toys are safe.

Keep your puppy away from poisonous materials. Read out what are POISONS FOR YOUR DOG and their symptoms when ingested.

At the bottom line, remember raising a puppy is all about a responsible ownership. If you are responsible enough, you can guarantee a super quality life of your dog by simply following these tips on raising a new puppy. Irresponsibility is going to make simple things really complex.


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