"Welcome Dog Lovers" Pages

Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Communicate With Dog

Dog lovers best know the fun of communicating with their dogs. Talking to dogs has always been the most pleasant experience for the dog lovers and owners. It's more of an art than a technique. And you can't find the tips on how to communicate with dogs so frequently in books and canine magazines. You need to master the art of communicating with dogs, and it's not all that a rocket science. All you need to do is to recognize and study each single behavior of your dog. If you are a dog lover, I am sure you have been doing it since the day you brought him home. Now, you need to put a bit more attention on what he does. Well, just sit back on your couch and let Reva do whatever he wants. Watch him quietly.

The study involves 3 distinctive approaches:

  • Trying to understand what makes Reva what she is
  • Trying to analyze why does Reva behave in the way she does
  • Think of the ways to make Reva understand what you want her to do; and this is where the art lies!
What all the canine behaviorists and experts have to say, is that you, as the owner, have to communicate with dogs. How? Try to determine the behaviors in your dog. Try to sort them out according to which are desirable and which are the undesirable ones. From the human point of view the desirable dog behaviors are those that you want him to behave like. While on the other level, from the canine point of view, the owner has to communicate with dogs to determine which particular behavior give them ultimate satisfaction.

The secret of the success story lies in understanding the signals that Reva sends to you through his typical behavior. You're the most successful owner, if you understand whether Reva is confident or confused, happy or sad, and bold or nervous.

Make Yourself a Successful Dog Owner

Who doesn't want to be the most loved buddy of his dog? Again the secret of becoming your dog's loved one is not to expect too much from your dog before you master the art of communicating with her. This is one simple approach that can make you a happy and successful dog owner. Once you become your dog's loved one, your dog will start to understand what you want and which behaviors are acceptable to you. Remember, your dog will always try to make you more happy with his behavior. She would chase a cat, drive it out of the territory, come back to you wagging. If this is what you want praise her lavishly. If this behavior is not acceptable try to make her understand that you didn't like that. Yelling at her and hitting her will spoil your child. Just show her your annoyance with your specific behavior. Pull her back with the lead and say “NO” sharply and in a strong voice. Dogs are naturally quite intelligent!

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If you're tired of working against Reva's instincts, don't end up with frustration. It's your fault, if she doesn't understand you. This implies you haven't yet successfully mastered the art of communicating with dog. Remember, you need to understand Reva's instincts – the instincts that drive Reva in doing what she does. If you study her behavior, you will understand what makes Reva angry and why. This helps you communicate better with her.

By Communicating with Dog you can be a Trainer yourself

Once you become skilled in understanding your dog's behaviors, you will be able communicate with her. If you can communicate with you dog well, you can be her best teacher. You don't need to hire a professional trainer, nor do you need to be a professional dog trainer yourself. The bottom line is, you can teach Reva in her language. By communicating with your dog you can teach her do whatever you want. But remember, she doesn't understand English or German or any of the human language. She just recognizes the sound and act as per the way she has been taught what that sound means. The approach of communicating with dogs works amazingly, if you start from the basic training to the advanced training courses.

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